And I thought Okami was too long..

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
My first FF game. I didn't even know that ps2 had hardcore games like this - all this time I thought console games were all easy pick-up-and-play games. Of course I knew about existance of these Japanese rpgs but never tried them. I tried to run the pc version of FF7 once but it didn't launch.

I've put 57 hours in to this game so far and have yet to beat Overdrive Sin but I'm not sure I'll be able to do it evar.

You really need a strategy guide with this kinda game.

The inability to skip cutscenes of course is the biggest douchebaggery I have seen evar.

And because Square Enix didn't put a save point after that long fight with that flying dragon or warm or whatever it is, they are the biggest a-holes on planet earth.

Will I go to jail for Rikku? No, cos I'll be prison b!tch! But I added the video where she unzips that suit to my special collection behehehe