Fifa 12 does not improve by leaps and bounds from previous incarnations. This year's edition plays more fluidly.

User Rating: 9 | FIFA Soccer 12 X360
FIFA 12 is the latest and greatest in the award winning FIFA franchise. The game builds upon the innovations introduced in previous editions. FIFA 12 is the premier soccer simulation.

Gameplay & Controls

FIFA 12's skilled dribbling has vastly improved - allowing for 360 degree execution of skill moves. The moves are the same from the two previous editions but the variation in the animation allows for greater precision for players when players try to execute certain moves. Players new to the franchise now have the luxury The shooting system is a tad bit more challenging in this year's game. 40+ yard bombs from the half line never happen in this years version of the game. New to the series is tactical defending. Previous editions, defense was all too easy. Players, regardless of position, were easily able to de-possess opposing players of the ball. Now players have to think out how are they going to approach defending opposing players. The automatic beelining to the ball is no longer present (However, Legacy Defending mode is available in offline game modes for users that want to use the old defending system).The selection of buttons for defensive/offensive controls need to be chosen with realism of the sport in mind. For example, the B button is the default button for standing tackles on defense and the same button is the shoot/clearance for players with possession of the ball. As you can imagine, once a player has immediate possession of the ball that presses the tackle button one too many times will lead to an unrealistic clearance of the ball. The elimination of silly control blunders need to alleviated if the franchise wants to progress further.

Graphics & Sound

The graphics are not the best around. This isn't your Mass Effect 3 or Gear of War 3. The graphics suffice for FIFA 12. They aren't disappointing but not the kind that gets you excited. The game has as a larger authentic amount of skin player textures. However for fans of smaller leagues such as the MLS, the game does a horrid job with player graphics of these leagues. Overall, the game looks/feels like you are actually playing soccer. FIFA's abundance of player/team licenses adds to that feeling. FIFA 12's sound is top notch. The sound of every kicked ball to the chants the crowd make during are game add to the overall experience of playing this game. Again, the soundtrack of the game is top notch. Songs from across the globe reminds players that are playing this video game that the sport of soccer is the world's game.


The multiplayer will keep you coming back for more. 11 vs 11 online matches are both exciting and entertaining. Career mode hasn't improved too much from previous editions. It will add many hours of gameplay nonetheless. Ultimate team came packaged with the game this year so you FIFA players that always wanted to played but didn't want to wasted the M$ points to play it you can jump right in UT right from the get go. Overall, FIFA 12 is the best sports game on the market. The game is blast to play with your friends over Live or together on the same console. Fans of Be a Pro Mode will be disappointed will the exclusion of that mode from this year's game...however, the game is still a must buy for the footy nuts out there.