FIFA 07 is a great game to play, although its minor problems, prevent it from being a great game.

User Rating: 8.5 | FIFA 07 Soccer PC
FIFA 07 is a brand-new games released by EA sports. This new FIFA edition changes many things around, for example the ball balance and the manager mode, while it comes across with new features, such as net tricks with the ball,
team creation, interactive leagues and much more. It also provides a new graphics engine, and the sound inside the stadium is very improved. The manager mode is even better, with some new features, such as the youth academy and from now on it is very crucial for your finances to have your sponsor happy. Furthermore, it is now even more difficult to transfer a star player into your team, especially if he is from one of your rivals.

There is also a brand-new feature, called interactive leagues, a new way to play online, this time in 4 different real championships. The good news is that when it comes to the fixtures of your team, you are programmed to play the same day and time with the real football teams, which make it even more realistic.

Apart from the above, FIFA 07 keeps its previous features which made success in the past. To end, for the football funs there are still videos with highlights of the previous year, but, unfortunately, there are not so much and, in my opinion not that well-made as they were in FIFA 06.