It was Fun...while it lasted,of course.

User Rating: 8.5 | Far Cry Instincts Evolution XBOX
This game is great. Following up one of the best and original FPS for the Xbox but with the same gameplay and style it gets kinda...old.though the storyline is good and Jack has gotten surprisingly soft,the multiplayer in this game is still great Predator is still one of the best online games for far cry.I should know I only play it like every day!


New online feature including seek and secure which is far cry's version of king of the hill Is a little help with the online play.The Map Editor Also got a little make over including new items to choose but not so much that you can create a diverse city, just a poor, ghetto neighborhood.Also including one new weapon for your arsenal...A dart that can instantly kill your opponent.also they placed Stationary guns including a: Mortar and a machine gun.also new to the game are Zip Lines which are perfect for cool James Bond Getaways.So Concluding My review this game is great,with a great multi-player on line,and an awesome map editor you'll be playing till the break of dawn,creating that perfect map for predator,30 bucks was worth it.