Nice touches

User Rating: 9.4 | Far Cry Instincts Evolution XBOX

First of all I the campaign is better than the orginal and you why because you have wider levels that you can go trough especialy when your one these islands with tolly free roamingness its like nothing i've seen on the xbox, but anyway ill explain why this is sooo good. The storyline is awsome and the emey AI is smarter I noticed that and hag out with this hot chick named kade.

Also when i tested the map editor thier was some fine improvements for one you now add turrents and also you can add zip lines witch can be very neet. You also get some nice undo options witch is nice making those maps you wanted.I also like that now you can blow up stuff with a pipe bomb.

At the end the graphics look a bit neeter and more improved distance and with fewer pop-ups this denfinely one of the best far cry expericences youll fined showing off more of the xboxs power.
And for 30 bucks its dinfinly worth buying, so Go Buy IT!!!!