Hello Jack ...nice to see your'e back.

User Rating: 7 | Far Cry Instincts Evolution XBOX

Far Cry Instincts Evolution is much better then the first one in my personal opinion. the story in this one is much richer, the levels are more fun and the characters are more interesting if you ask me, and to be honest I think that the gameplay is better done in this one as well as the map editer. Now first things, first for those of you who are wondering if Evolution is still a good game today, well let me tell you this, it may not hold up so well when compared to the Halo series' new outings but it sure is better then the last two Far Cry's I'll tell you that much. Now as for the game as a whole I would have to say that it is pretty good and if you compare it to some of the Call of Duty's (like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3) I would say, for being a sequel and all, that it's also pretty good in that regard. Overall if your looking for a rich experience from the last generation, then look no further then Far Cry Instincts Evolution because it rocks, and if you've already played it then hopefully you thought the same thing, or at least thought that it was a good game because, when it comes to action adventure sequels, it's not just a good game ...it's a very very good game.