Far Cry 2 is a fantastic FPS that incorporates creativity and innovation into an otherwise bland genre.

User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry 2 X360
Game of the Year? No. Game that you will play all year long? Yes. Far Cry 2 has the makings of a champion first-person shooter. The immersive, open-ended storyline will consume anyone eager to strategize and plan assaults on their enemies, whereas the highly-addictive multiplayer will keep you occupied for long periods of time with its new class system and rankings. I have heard some complain about the inability to keep their earned weaponry during non-ranked matches, and the reason is fairly obvious.. it is not ranked and what you earn may or may not have been earned fairly. A fair and balanced multiplayer game of this caliber should not be overlooked by anyone with the slightest interest. If you are like myself, sick of the completely ridiculous matches found on games like Gears of War 2, where bullets may or may not affect enemies, you may be willing to give this game a try. I have found that the more you play, the more you want to play. Perhaps this is the making of a great game, one which encourages the player to alter his/her ideal strategy on a round-by-round basis, simply to ensure maximum fun is found. The weaponry in this game is great, certain weapons do not typically leave you guessing why they're allowed, and when killed you aren't left to wonder how. The realism of which FC2 attempts to attain is quite enjoyable when realized. It may take some time to get a grip on the multiplayer, yet with the unexplainably amazing map editor you can set yourself apart and make something all players will enjoy. It is this sense of freedom, this pure feeling of endless creativity, that keeps you entertained. Also, you may find that all is not lost within the single-player storyline. The game does a great job of allowing the player to explore at their own pace and discover things while accomplishing objectives and missions with a great feeling of pride and victory. Outsmarting an entire camp of enemies is an undeniable thrill, and the factors influencing how and when you do this are blatantly cool. I know this review may not summarize all the high points of Far Cry 2, however I intend to leave all my readers with an honest opinion because I pay the same sixty dollars the rest of you do for these titles. Far Cry 2 is one of the greatest shooters I have played in the past year. I am tired of developers getting lazy and leaving the player out when it comes to multiplayer, and sick of plots that do nothing to motivate players to complete the main story. I believe this game differs from other games in so many ways that it is necessary to experience it. The graphics and gameplay are designed with realism; not the realism that you may expect, but the kind that ensures you get that headshot, and ensures that if you are behind cover, you are not randomly blown to pieces without reason. This game is the real deal and when compared to the others, completely blows them away. As I always say, give this game a chance, because it may just be the last game you purchase for a while. =)