Let's face it, you weren't expecting a masterpiece for $10.

User Rating: 6.5 | Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta X360

I been playing fallout 3 since launch, I have played all of the DLC's to date.

Well I didn't expect much from this DLC as my fellow fans seemed to hype it. After playing Anchorage I always feared for a repeat, my fears were finally answered. I must say I don't know what happen, it looked like Anchorage was there first and last mistake, they improved with The Pitt then Broken steel was well worth the buck and Point Lookout while lacking in some areas was still a good bang for the buck , now Zeta took 3 steps back and dare I say might be worst then Anchorage.

You are going to enjoy it for the first few minutes as you awe at the visuals and your imagination starts running wild with possibilities. That's only a short term feeling, hopefully none of you guys are claustrophobic or else you wont make it more then 10 minutes into this DLC. Extremely linear game play that offers nothing more then pushing buttons to hear audio recordings of previous captors and going from point A to point B.

Point lookout/Broken Steel/The Pitt all left areas to explore and encouraged exploration with several quest and rewards. Anchorage and Zeta does none of this. Just 1 linear quest with no room for exploration and a boring been there done that concept that only passes by thanks to the awesome ability of VATS and the concept of aliens.

On top of it all the main quest is the most boring fallout quest I have done in my history with this game. While I desperately sought more info unto why were those aliens here, if they maybe had something to do with the bombs *there is an audio recording where they are demanding the nuclear codes from a general they captured, presuming during the war* or to find out there motives towards us humans and there thoughts on Earth's dilemma. Nothing is answered. When you think maybe there leader would answer some questions or give you some clues, you are left to an immediate firefight with no form of dialogue.

What do you get out of this story? 3 new weapons. The Alien disintegrator*rifle, Alien anatomizer*handgun and a Drone cannon *Alien heavy weapon which sends energy balls that bounce before they explode*. Powerful weapons but you basically just paid 10 dollars for them. Not worth it, stick to your Lincoln repeater or backwater rifle. You should be level 30 by now anyway.

Story:1/5 Aliens abduct you gun your way out, end of story.
Game play: 4/5 is fallout you have to love vats
Replay value: 1/5 you won't come back to this
Visuals: 3/5 Pretty neat looking aliens and guns but it gets old very fast*no variation*
Price: 1/5 not worth $10 , I would pay 5 for this.