"I see bugs! More Bugs! Too Many Bugs!!" - Dying words of Nostradamus predicting Fallout 3 Broken Steel

User Rating: 6 | Fallout 3: Broken Steel PC
This DLC adds a lot to the game. A bit too much for a DLC. So I consider this an expansion to the original game. After the destruction of Project Purity, you assist Liberty Prime to destroy an Enclave base. However, in the midst of it all, Liberty Prime is destroyed. You enlist yourself in the Brotherhood of Steel, and take the fight to the Enclave base. You soon find that they are using some sort of orbital weapon to decimate your forces and the Brotherhood bases. Now you choose whether you want to destroy the BoS or you want to destroy the Enclave.
The DLC has too many bugs (as Nostradamus had predicted). For starters, when Liberty Prime was destroyed, his body parts were brought back to the Citadel. However, if you venture near the place where he was destroyed, you'll still see him there. Maybe it is Prime's Ghost. And the famous crashes. Who can forget the iconic crashes of this game. Broken Steel had broken down almost 30 times. With so many restarts, I nearly left hope. However, one final valiant try and I was able to finish the game. A disappointing DLC which I know could have been made much better.