Not worth at all. A total waste of a DLC

User Rating: 5.5 | Fallout 3: Point Lookout PC
This DLC is one of the biggest of Bethesda. Unfortunately it also the biggest failed DLC of Bethesda. The gameplay obviously hasn't changed, but the enemies sure have. They now range from a group of Tribal baboons to a talking brain, from a civilized ghoul to catroonish farm owners (???). The main quest is about a strife between a talking brain and a civilized ghoul. You have to choose a side and kill one of them. At the end of the day, you'll finish this quest in less than an hour. For the rest of the time you'll be doing side quests like picking up some veggies for an old lady, etc. The DLC is activated when you reach the Riverboat Landing and you are informed by a lady that her daughter is missing. You then take a ferry to get to the place and find her daughter. Oh and one more thing the person who ferries you will cut your skull and take out a piece of your brain. God knows why?

This worthless DLC took a time of 6 hours to finish, where my main quest had been completed in just under half an hour.