It's very disappointing and it makes eyes burnt.

User Rating: 6 | F1 2010 PS3
F1 2010 is a beautiful game, but that's it. Everything else isnt right.
First of all, when people choose easy difficulty, that mean they want easy handling with arcade feeling, but Codemaster throw out 10-15 laps and very hard to win a race for a non hardcore racing gamers even in easy mode with everything in auto.

You might think 10-15 laps per race is okay, but they only give 4 flashback for easy mode, and you get 10+ laps there. So basically there is no room to make mistakes, and any small mistake might take you from 1st place to 10th. Therefore you have to concentrade when you play F1 2010, when you stare at screen with fast pacing game with a lot of concentration like this for 20 mins, it is very very unhealth to eyes.

Everytime when I finish a race, my eyes burn. I play call of duty online, yes it does require a lot of attention too, but you can always find break time in game and it's 10mins long. It's not like you are shooting at every secs when you play online. However, for F1 2010, you gotta pay attention for every secs when you are on a race. I google this game, and many people also has same issues. That's big mistake Codemaster made, okay they tried to give F1 feeling, but when people wants to play in easy, that means they want it being easy, like dirt 2 easy mode.

The easy mode is not only not easy enough, but also too many laps which causes some eyes fatigue issues. When people choose to play easy mode, that means they want to pass 10 cars in a lap, normally in F1 2010's easy difficulty, it takes 1 lap to pass an opponent after first couple laps.

This game also has many glitches and bug here and there.

F1 2010 is not a game for everyone. If you are looking for dirt 2 experience in it, then you should pass this one.