User Rating: 9.5 | Evil Dead: Regeneration PS2
This has to be one of the last few PS2 games that was Great before everyone started to focus on the PS3. The gameplay is fast and fun, punch lines are classic, and the story is good as a worthy Evil Dead possablity of a movie script. The weapons are fun to use, the demons are fun to kill as much as kicking around your side kick. After you play this game you wonder why they havent made another one on the PS3.(which would be totaly kickass) All and all, Play it! As a gamer you'll say..."ok not bad its worth to be seen on the new systems" bu as a Evil Dead fan you'll be like.."Baadass!!! why isn't there another one already??" All and all, This game is fun, enjoy the story the controls are steady unlike Hail to the King, I want a new Evil Dead game but until then this the game to have.