A game that has spawned from one of the best horror movie series ever, can it live up to the hype?

User Rating: 6.5 | Evil Dead: Hail to the King PS
Now Hail to the King is an odd game for me, it is a game that has more bad points than good but I love it. This is a continuation from the film series with Ash now eight years on and has mostly re-pieced his life.... if only it weren't for these weird dreams he has. After a twist of events involving Ash to return to the cabin in the woods he is once again fighting the forces of evil once more. The story is a great extension onto the Evil Dead series so it was easy for me to get into this. Now the game its self is really poor it uses the original Resident Evil engine to a poor extent as it is really difficult to move around and to aim weapons. The graphics are not too good either (being this is a game from 2000) the game just seemed dated before it even came out. The sound is a high point of this game with the chainsaw churning and one liners from Ash. The value of this game is low there is just the game, no different difficulties, no extra unlockables and not even concept art. This game to be honest is no way an ideal role model for survival horror games but being and Evil Dead fan it goes on my shelf of immortals. For die hard Evil Dead fans only!