Interesting story and battle system..

User Rating: 7.5 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
If you have a secret love affair for JRPGs and Anime, this game should satisfy you in everyway. I, for one, am not an Anime type of guy, but I do enjoy JRPGs. Eternal Sonata delivers a surprisingly interesting story in a well designed world that is fun to play in. The battle system in this game is probably one of the coolest forms or turned based battles I've ever seen. However, the game isn't very challenging as far as battles are concerned, and the game its self is pretty short. About 20-25 hours long (short). Also, the cutscenes tend to drag on a little too much. But they are fun too look at. Also, money and most items are basically useless in the game, which again makes the game a little too easy.

But if you're looking for a good JRPG game to fill in the gaps (When the game you want is only coming out in a few weeks), I'd recommend giving this game a try.

*Why does Polka have man-hands?