So far this is the best RPG

User Rating: 9.5 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume Reprise PS3
So far this game is the best game I own for PS3. The story line is great and immersive. At times you can emotionally connect with the problems of some of the characters bringing some feeling to the game. It gets harder as you gain in level to fight, more fighting options become available and you have to strategically plan your moves quickly before the timer runs out.

The characters are all likeable with there own personality. All in all I like this game a lot and it keeps you wondering what will happen next in the story. When you think you know whats going on theres another twist. Its really good and I think any adventure of Rpg lover will like this game right away like I did. I havent beaten it yet. Just like a good movie you want to experience it more and more. This is not turn based its sort of like hybrid. The battle system is fun and you got to be careful what you do and where. The slightest wrong move could put you in danger of being kiled in battle like if you bunch your team up together the enemies might do AOE's that do heavy dmg. Lots of fun and the cinematics are great. I like the drawn out looks to some of the toons. Fun game and it will definitely hold its weight against RPG's in the future.