Post Apocaliptic Jungle

User Rating: 8.5 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West X360
This is another under the radar gem that got criminally overlooked, but trust me this game is an experence you'll never forget. Loosely inspired and retelling the chinese fantasy story "Journey to the West" which is material that has been retold many times one example the manga/anime franchise "Dragon Ball", it's just one of those stories that are timeless making them retold in any way you want or translated to any decade.

I really love the graphics, the design of the post apocaliptic world is just beautiful. The combo nation of a ruined landscape and nature really give the world a sort of exotic quality, and with the high technology involved it really lets us know this is a place where anything can still be possible. I also like the character designs from the mech enimies that look like they could be Decepticons from "Transformers". Though for me it was the animation of the protagonists, they looked great and believable, Trip looks like she could be the younger sister of the protagoinst of "Hevenly Sword" (a game the same company for this made).

The action is good, the combo system you have is decent it's the boss battle actually found more interesting because it's actually more of a tactical takedown process than just the typical banging them till their dead. I always like these kinds of boss battles more because they feel less repetative, faster paced, and smarter. But this isn't really a game that is focused so much on that but more on platforming and just the sheer experence. The game is kinda "Prince of Persia" in the future, it's the same trial and error process, only it's not as frustrating because the way to go is lighted for you but most importantly you don't make any stupid mistakes like acidently slip off a ledge or picking the wrong place to jump. You also have to be tactical because you have to escort you friend Trip from point a to b. But this is also made less frustrating because this friend is actually smart, Trip actually knows where to seek cover so she doesn't stupidly stand around in the wrong place which can force you to take damage. And is also very useful, like setting up a holographic decoy where you can sneek behind the mechs quickly in an area where their stationed during a firefight. And even when Trip is in trouble she is able to deliever a stun charge to all her enimies but this only last for a mater of seconds so hurry because she can do it only once. The games not too hard but not that easy you will have to take your time in some places.

But I feel what makes the game stand out even more and is it's true strength is in it's story and characterization. I actually found myself engaged in the story because it really was interesting and smart. Most of all I actually cared about the characters Monkey and Trip, from the great voice acting one of them Andy Shirkis (Golem from "Lord of the Rings" and King Kong from "King Kong" (2000 version) whom plays Monkey and how well their characterized and the amount of depth to them Monkey is brooding and brash, dryly humorous, but really has warmth inside, Trip sort of reminds me of the character Claudia from the sci-fi TV series "Warehouse 13" whom is a geek but cool,
she is smart, shy, a bit illconfidant but not short of courage. I really loved the chemestry between the two, I believed in both becoming friends and may'be even more in the future (if any further games are made) due to the sense of attraction going on.

Enslaved is a odyssey you won't forget.