Awesome game, well done so far.

User Rating: 8.5 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West PS3
I have enjoyed all that I have played so far. My wife and I play it just as we have Drake's 1 and 2 and it has a good similar feel. The only issue that I have had so far is trying to get the controls down for the looking/jumping action. It is okay and pretty quick response when going side to side as well as up and down on the wall climbing and what not. But the issues that I have had have been centered around being on a ledge that you can descend, but the computet just doesn't have the stars aligned quite right to let you jump down. That is the only issue that I have had so far.
My wife has commented positively on the colors and looks of the game. The format of the gameplay is excellent as well. I don't know if you could get away with button mashing on this game, but it is great fun NOT to button mash and that is a credit to the developers. I hope this is another great game of many from ninja theory.