Hard in certain parts, but we all like it hard sometimes yes? *wink*

User Rating: 9.5 | Dreamfall: The Longest Journey PC
The game itself was alot better graphics then the first one, The Longest Journey. Also the gameplay controls were alot more involving, having you use the mouse as well as the keyboard at the same time, no more just pointing and clicking. This, although it was hard to control at first, was one of the best ways to keep me attentive on the game play.
The plot line was a goof one. you emersed yourself in the characters life to begin with, finding out about her, whats happeneing at the moment. Then your off to find your ex, Reza, who tells you he's on to something big. this was the moment you start going around creepy place doing your missions.
The game was a mix between an RPG and a thinking game. Alot of the time you spent frowning at the screen, trying to work out how to do this or how to do that, but overall, once you got the part figured out it went smoothly.
It lets you switch between three differnt charaters (April, Zoe and Kian) and play their part in the plot line. The way the game ended was a bit lost on my in my opinion. without letting so much detail go into this, i kinda thought it would have ended happy? but noooooo.... alot of tears on my part, but then again, i am a girl.
So if your into RPG's and like a good plot line then this is a game for you.