Best looking 16-Bit platformer,and one of the best 16-bit platformers to play too!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Donkey Kong SNES
I remember when I was 11 years old in 1994,I saw DK Country being reviewed on TV for a video game show,and DK Country had graphics that were more realistic than any other game for it's time,and I loved the free flowing body movements of the characters.

As for it's gameplay,well it's a 2D platformer,but it has a very smooth feel.You use the team of Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong to progress through the levels.Donkey Kong has the ability to take out some of the big enemies(by jumping on them)that Diddy Kong cannot.Diddy Kong can jump further,which makes some platforming segments easier,and you can interchange between the 2 characters at anytime,to make one of them take the lead,and the other will automatically follow.However,if one of them dies,you can only use the remaining character,and if they both die,you lose a life.

In DK Country,there is no character powerups like in Super Mario or Sonic,if Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong are struck by an enemy/enemy attack,they'll die,simple,however,they can be revived by touching certain barrels that are presented a couple of times in each level.

You can also ride animals such as Rhinos,swordfish,giant frogs.Rhinos stampede over enemies,swordfish can stab sharks and fish,and frogs can leap high and help you avoid enemies.Also,when you're riding an animal,it will absorb a hit for you but you'll get knocked off that animal and won't be able to use it anymore.

The style of platforming in DKC is so fun,you can go across the tops of trees and swing across vines,and you have to judge the leap/jumps you attempt to make with good precision,because sometimes stinging bees will be flying around an area you need to jump through so you will have to time the jump well enough so you avoid the bees.Also,some enemies will jump across the screen and will force you to time your jump on them or attempt at passing them(you're not the only one who can remove an enemy by jumping on them) ;)

There's segments where you swim,ride mine carts and have to jump to other carts.

You can throw barrels at enemies to remove them.

The realistic body movements and 3D effects of the characters/enemies and detailed backgrounds were amazing for a 16-Bit game.The detail for the palm trees and realistic rainfall made the game look far better than anything else for it's time.

The game is non-linear and you can revisit areas.There is homes of characters you can visit like the homes and some of them have something to tell you or offered you a bonus games.The bonus games are fun and involve things such as fishing,dance mini game.

The difficulty is challenging towards the end,but not too tough.

The enemies you'll encounter will be things such as crocodile people,snakes,rock throwing birds,giant stinger bees.Some enemies guard their position well.There is also boss fights.

The environments can consist of jungle,caves,villages,underwater,pirate ship etc.

The sound effects suit the jungle and animals well.

Overall-It's the best looking 16-Bit platformer ever,and has great gameplay too.