I hate that retarded gorilla. I hate that retarded Gorilla. The music wasnt great either. I didnt even get passed theLVL

User Rating: 6 | Super Donkey Kong 3: Nazo no Krems Shima SNES
I hate that retarded Gorilla. The music wasnt great either. I didnt even get passed the first couple levels, cause the game sucked so damn badly. I wouldnt have given it a 6.0 in my eyes, but the gameplay in all donkey kongs are good and the graphics are like the best 2d can offer so mine as well make that all good. The music on the game isnt catchy either.

Overall, I just hate that down syndrom gorilla. If it wasnt so damn retarded looking, i might have liked it.

And whats with Dixie Kong being the main character?

Whats with all the gorilla's named being KONG??

Are they imbreds? Diddy Kong is Donkey Kong's nephew, and Dixie is Diddy's sister and girlfriend, and those 2 have sex, and then there pops out the imbreded monkey, that dixe travels with in this one?

No, i am kidding, i am just trying to hurry and get 100 words in so i can submit this.

But overall the game sucked ass. Never got passed the first 2 levels.
