Call of Donkey 3-The Gorilla Warfare Ends

User Rating: 7.5 | Super Donkey Kong 3: Nazo no Krems Shima SNES
...& continuse in 2010 with Call of Donkey 4-Modern Gorilla Warfare.
Since 1996, Nintendo has stopped being "God-like" & became "Very Human-like".I've lost my interest in most of the Nintendo Games that were made after 1995 it's just not the same anymore-there are few Masterpieces released after this period like Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye 007 & Metroid Prime but most of them are worthles or forgetable & Mario who was once was loved by everybody(except the Sonic fans) now it's almost public enemy nr#1 for a lot of people.DKC3 is a "great" example to start the fall of Nintendo's quality games despite having more & more technology available(it seems to me that this technology ruins it all).
The first 2 DKC Games were beyond the word amazing but the 3rd one is just to fill the space, just to exist, to be there with the name.Sure, it has the same Amazing type of soundtrack & the forest levels are so great that they should have been part of the first 2 games but the rest of it is just a piece of trash!You find this game very enjoyable but for me it's very annoying & empty, a shallow sequel to the first 2 which bursted out depth, value & soul & everything-this one jsut pops out crapiness(from the word crap).Despite beeing the 3rd one(the last one) it's the only one with badly outdated graphics-the game looks horrible nowadays-the first 2 still look strong.Diddy's new partner, Dixxie looks so dumb just like all the enemies out there-it makes me sick.& he makes stupid noises...i don't know man, i'm maybe too harsh but that's how the things are.The faces, the facial expressions of the enemy bosses are another example that show me the poor quality of this game, few people can observe this kind of things & it's not good.
There are 7 worlds with a total of 35 levels & these worlds are separated by sea-you get to travel with Funky Kong's vessels that will eventually upgrade if you bring him the objects that he asks for.At each world there is a hutt with a bear that gives you advices & other stuff.You save the game at Wrinkly's Cave which is...playing on an N64:| Wow, Nintendo is making advertisement to their next console through one of their games-this is so pathetic.Wrinkly somehow encourages you to buy an N64(the year beeing 1996)-this prooves mediocrity from the developers.As if it's not enough, in this game you can also hear the "Inside the Castle Walls" theme from Super Mario 64 slightly remixed & a part from the Intro music from Super Mario RPG(well, this is on SNES-now their making advertisement to a game also)(the part when the Sword slowly falls into the Castle & then the title screen appears-it's also modified so it's hard to notice-this piece of music can be heard at the begining of the underwater theme-ha, full details:)
The game is very hard, like DKC2 but it's far more frustrating-the final level, Poisonous Pipeline is so "freakin" hard that will eventually make you throw the TV out the window.The final battle looks very outdated, i don't want to think about it anymore.
I'm giving this game 7.5 because it says DKC in the title, it has a great soundtrack & because the forest levels are so amazing that they should have been in the first 2 games-there rest of it is a torture, it's forgetable & it pops out crapiness-a wasted amount of SNES potential.
End of story(expecting at least 5 Thumbs-Downs:)