Not as good as you are lead to believe.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dishonored X360
Pros- Good story, great atmosphere, enemy A.I. is spot on, the powers are useful, the combat is decent, Dunwall is an interesting place, and last but not least it looks and sounds pretty good. But Corvo is a pretty stale character, the stealth mechanic is broken. Sometimes I walk right in front of a guard and he does not notice me and other times I am perfectly hidden and get rushed from nowhere. Game is also on the short side if you follow the main story arch not explore every nook in the universe they have built. The combat kept me coming back. It was a blast figuring out to ways of dealing with guards. But in all honesty the stealth is really holding the game back. And it should probably look a little better this late in the gen. This is a game like Assassins Creed and Metro 2033. The game is really good but a little flawed but it got me excited enough to see the sequel when it comes out.