I wish this game would shut up, get over itself, and just let me play the god-damned thing.

User Rating: 4 | DiRT 2 PC
I enjoyed GRID so when I saw DIRT 2 for sale on Steam, I decided to pick it up and give it a whirl. The driving mechanics are little changed from GRID, sort of a sim-light racing game concentrating on off-road and rally driving. That bit is fine, it's the interface and "attitude" of the game that I can't stand.

The whole thing comes across as a Mountain Dew commercial. They want so badly to be "X-treem!!!!!!!!!" and hip but they fail miserably. They ram annoying music, stupid ads, graffiti fonts, and risible "commentary" from stoned slackers down your throat throughout the entire process. Yet for all the "X-TREEM!!!!!" attitude, they hold your hand like you're an exceptionally slow child and force you to endure endless cut-scenes, explanations of the most elementary concepts, and pointless banter. AND THERE'S NO WAY TO SHUT THEM THE HELL UP!. I finished a race and it took another 4 minutes of stupid stats popping up on the screen and some mouth breather explaining the concept of a car race to me before it'd even let me push the escape key to get out of the game.

I end up ALT-TABbing out just to shut them up, but then the game doesn't save your progress and you have to endure the drivel all over again.

Because of the annoying interface and endless blabbing, I can't recommend this game.

Go with Richard Burns or Xpand Rally over this game if you want to enjoy some rally driving.
It just takes far too long to wade through all the fluff before DIRT 2 will let you actually play the game.