A nice version of a classic game, but it gets old real quick after you get all the achievements.

User Rating: 6.3 | Dig Dug X360
If you are reading this and you have never played 'Dig Dug' before, than you might as well stop reading this now. I will save you some time. You probably won't want to purchase this game. Now if you are an old-school gamer, like myself, who had this on the Atari or played it in the arcades.....well, then this game just might be for you.

Namco seems to be bringing most of their back collection of arcade classics to Xbox Live Arcade. And while Dig Dug (for the 360) is a faithful and fun version of the classic game, I just couldn't seem to get into it like I used to. Basically, I remember this game being more fun than it actually is when I play it now. Of course, that's not to say this game isn't fun to play. It's just that after you get all of the (too easy to obtain) achievements, the drive to play this game seemed to vanish for me.

And like I mentioned, most of the achievements are pretty easy to get. There are only two that are tough and even those can be had with a little patience. Also, there is no multiplayer to be found here. There are no graphic enhancements or anything. It's just basic Dig Dug. That will certainly be enough for some people, but I didn't find this game to be as fun as it was back when I was a kid. If you are a huge Dig Dug fan, however, this game is a must download.