Diablo is what you would cool these days "cool" but it is actually very very entertaining. great multiplayer.

User Rating: 8.5 | Diablo PC
Diablo was a masterpeice of an old school dungeon run. It allowed you to pick between a Warrior, Rogue or Sorcerer. The class you picked had a big influence on the way the game had to be played as each class played out very differently. The visuals are dark and gothic and along with the soundtrack (most notably the famous Tristram theme) immerse the player right into this gothic environment.

Diablo contained sixteen levels (four levels of four types) that would generate randomly each time you played a new game, adding massive replayability potential. Characters would level up from 1 through to 50 throughout their adventures on Normal, Nightmare and Hell difficulty.
Characters could be equipped with a myriad of items that could be purchased in town or more often than not looted from the dungeons underneath it. Just trying to collect an item you were after could give you a bad case of 'just one more turn' which could have a player sitting on this game for hours on end.

Multiplayer is where this game shines. By teaming up with players of another class the gameplay would always vary based upon the classes that were involved in a fight and the attitude of the players. While an outstanding concept, Diablo did have several problems with people using trainers on Battle.net as well as exploiting a duping bug, that pretty much destroyed any form of online public trading of equipment. However with a bunch of trusted friends or other legitimate online players, the gameplay could rival and surpass most other titles of it's time.

Available now at bargain prices, this title is one that any collector should not pass up that still has a mouse that goes 'click'.