A brilliant game, that has raised the bar for other games moving forward.

User Rating: 10 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC
Amazing visuals, acting and overall gameplay. This is one game for the gaming history books, the innovative game design and gameplay brings back the epic memories of my first time playing Metal Gear Solid. Great work by the Eidos Montreal team of taking a great franchise to the next level, this is how games should be made; its not not only provides entertainment but raises important questions about the future with regard to biotechnological advancement.

The character development is top notch, you are drawn into to story and perceive the world vividly through Adam Jensen's eyes as he deals with the struggle of accepting what could be perceived as a gift and a curse . From the take downs to the boss fights, you are completely sucked into an immersive world of diverse characters and powerful puppeteers plotting for world domination.