Dead of Night

User Rating: 8 | Deadlight X360
I'm a fan of the sub genere of zombies in the survival horror genere, there are just almost endless possiblities and things to do with it, this is a good edition to the sub genere.

What I like about this game is that it's something a little different in the subgenere, they take on the platform actioneer. This platform actioneer is similar in the lines of "Prince of Persia" and "Flashback" which were both based on the principles of trial and errior, where you pritty much have to think before you act; and that's cool because personally I feel these kinds of games for the 2D arena anyway have became kinda a lost practice.

The control is soild, I like the movement of the character it's realistic because it based on how much momentum you contribute. The gameplay is just as soild, you have to be caushious about how to get from point A to B. Two unique things are the fact you have a stamina meter, this is sort of an equalizer device that way your character doesn't seem too powerful. And I'm fine with that personally I feel that just adds to the suspense of the game, on a realistic perspective you normally wouldn't have an unlimited amount of energy to deal with a lot of what happens around you, or even hold on to something forever, so pick your runs, jumps and actions carefully. I even like the fact that you have to shoot or hit the head of zombies for an indefinant kill in this game, that also adds to the suspense. However there is a catch, you have a limited amount of ammo and aquiring more ammo is hard to come by; along with reload time. You have an axe but it can drain some of your stamina as you swing and you can only kill the zombies with it when knocked to the ground, or by decapitation if in the right possition.

You have some good/decent action, I mainly like those running sequences which I think are fun it's just always an exilirating feeling having to constantly run from danger and forcing yourself to think fast in order to react in a microsecond, whether it's from zombies or a black hawk.

The story is good despite being nothing real special though I like the fact they never say zombie but call them shadows. I really like those graphic novel cinamatic cut scenes, the voice acting in them is pritty soild but mainly for the main protagonist. Music is decent, it's nothing real memorable but it's good enough to evoke an unsettling moodyness to the game. The character animation is good/decent, can't tell to much since their small. The blood effects are decent, you don't see too much gore except in the zombie kills and cut scenes. However I feel the real star of the game is really the background animation itself which I think is fantastic looking, It really portrays a ruined gritty dark Seattle with great detail which makes it all the better since I live there. I like the use of the darkness it really reenforces the feeling that there is danger hiding in the shadows.

The only thing that isn't so bright about the game is in the cinematography, I feel it's just a bit too wide in parts, which unfortunately makes some clues a little hard to see. It would of been nice if the game in some places zoomed in a bit on the characters and their enviorment that way I can see the clues let alone the characters wouldn't seem too small.

Overall I think it's a solid game, it's not a game that lights both the survival horror and platform actioner generes on fire, but it's worth playing all the same. So, until next time try to enjoy the daylight.