Excellent Sequel to DS1 & DS2

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space 3 PC
Dead Space 3 game fruitfully resurrects the old, effective mix of 1 & 2 effectively. Dead Space 3 does it more than once. And while the inclusion of optional side-missions is definitely a good thing, not just for the added content but also the opportunity for resource gathering, they can feel at odds with the urgency of the larger objective at hand.
The graphics are pretty awesome and snow effects are pretty good. The story is not much horror unlike the previous installments. It cant be lean horror but can be an explosive shooter.
Dead Space 3 plotline has been one of its strongest points thanks to a comprehensive mythos woven around two games, books and feature films, along with an excellent satire of the cult of Scientology that forms the pillar of the narrative.

If you are looking for a good third person shooter then this is must play game for dead space fans..

Game play: 10/10
Horror: 8/10
Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 10/10

Overall :9.5/10