This game was the first games i ever had when i had a demo game, but i beileve this game isn't that good but awesome gra

User Rating: 6.7 | Darklight Conflict PS
Gameplay: I remember some of the gameplay since i had this but i really miss old school games but i remember some missions are intensly strong and fragile.

Graphics: It's like star wars on N64 but i find this game had more graphics than star wars and trek, i don't really have a clue why don't they provide blasts instead of fading them.

Sound: It is quite fortunate that the sounds are like nothing than a custom sound but i don't remeber the rest of it.

Value: Uh, i never remembered the value cost of the game and the controls too, it is really hard to discrib the game but i think it's worth ambitious to figure it out.

Tilt: I found this game a little good but they had bad stuff into it sometimes but i believe i just lost the game somehow but i don't think i have enough intellect to think old-school games that i lost.