Dark Souls Aint For Wussies

User Rating: 9.5 | Dark Souls PS3
Dark Souls is one of the best fantasy based games I've played in a long time. I buy a lot of games only to be disapointed in most. I'm an older gamer and have a select taste for games. Not many games can hold my attention as long as Dark Souls has.

Last night I was playing trying to beat a boss only to die within the first 30 seconds of the fight. I tried for 2 hours to get past it before I finally turned it off. Parts of this game are harder then hell but I've come too far to give up now. I find this game world very intriuging and I always want to see whats next. The charecter progression is like a drug. Your always looking for that new item or to make yourself more powerful.

I havne't explored much of the multiplayer other then getting invaded a couple of times. It was cool and adds a new twist to the genra. I've had the game since launch and I'm about 40 hours in. Although I don't play this game everyday there aint a day that goes by where it don't invade my mind. The game is seriously intense at times so I take breaks from it to recoup.

The grafics in this game awesome. The enemy and charecter models are awesome. The combat might seem rather clunky at first but once your use to it it's fun and persise.

Dark Souls doesn't focus on story as much as other games it's all about the gameplay. Nor does is explain much when it comes to playing the game. If you decide to pick it up I highly recommend getting the guide. It's full of pictures and artwork and very helpful. I had do a lot of reading before I could figure the game out. The guide is a must for getting the most out of Dark Souls. Youtube is also very helpful. Without these I would have never made it this far.

Darks Souls is a rare gem in todays gaming world filled with military shooters. I've gotta say this game is worth every penny I paid. My hats off to the developer for giving us a complete package not milking us with DLC.