Best Dancing Game Out!!!

User Rating: 10 | Dance Central 3 X360
I believe Dance Central 3 to be the best in the genre of Dancing games. It is incredibly fun and delivers amazing songs and graphics. Something that makes it stand out from the rest is that has a story mode, party mode and crew challenge just to name a few. Story mode takes you back in time where you go back to rescue DCI agents stuck in different eras (70s, 80s, 90s and 00s). Party mode is a mode where you random dance to songs and you allowed to skip songs. Routines are shorten in length and you play different games such as Perform It, Battle, Striking Pose, Keeping the Beat, and Making Moves. If you are select level such as Hard and you are missing a lot of the moves; the game will move you down a level to Medium. In the Crew Challenge you go against teams 2-8 players. The game randomly selects team members to go against each other in Crew Challenge in the same modes that are Party Mode.