Another reason to find a Dreamcast.

User Rating: 7.8 | D no Shokutaku 2 DC
D2 is a good game, as long as you don't mind sacrificing non-stop action for LONG cut scenes. But with those long cut scenes comes a good story and decent voice acting. Although I found the story's conclusion kind of confusing. And the statistics on AIDS and such at the end was kind of weird, but the game was about humans destroying themselves, so I guess it kind of fits in loosely. The game was also a little short. I saw a 4-CD package, and expected to play this game for months. The gameplay has it's ups and downs. It's a mixture of 1st person and 3rd person. It's 3rd person when you're outdoors, making your way around the area. That's not bad. The first person areas are where the problems are. It's first person when you're indoors, but you can only move to certain designated areas, which really takes away from any free-roaming feel. It also goes to 1st person when you encounter an enemy and enter shooting mode. The only movement you have is moving your weapon sights, there's no dodging or avoiding the enemy in any way. It's a fight to the finish.

I liked the RPG aspects of the game, e.g. leveling up & hunting for food. If you can't get through a certain area, train yourself and level up a little, and it makes things a little easier. Graphics are top notch, especially considering that the game is a little dated. The snowy wilderness setting makes for good visuals.

Overall, this is another under-rated game that can probably be found for dirt cheap, and I wouldn't recommend passing it up if you own a Dreamcast.