You have to play Contra. Sure, it is hard at first, but Contra is that addictive you'll be playing it for months

User Rating: 9.5 | Contra NES
Ignore the obscure title "Probotector" European gamers, what you see here is the best example of how the use the NES hardware. Although Contra is weaker on the NES compared to it's arcade brother, Contra on NES is probably one of the most visually outstanding Nintendo games ever.

From the minute you start the game, you'll know this game is different. For starters, there are far more enemies on the screen at once compared to other NES games, but even more special is just how actvity is coming from those enemies and with little slowdown.

The animation, the scrolling and general movement of the game also remains smooth at an incredibly fast rate - projectiles fly everywhere and there is even a psuedo 3D look to some of the later levels, which is pretty cool.

To top it off, the levels themselves are very detailed and despite the game running on weaker hardware, like I mentioned earlier, the game stays very true to the arcade original.

The music is also incredibly impressive on Contra. The music pumps pure adrenaline into your veins and will keep you going through out. Although the bleeps may sound primitive now, they suit well to the general feeling of the game and it probably won't bother you never the less.

However non of that compares to the intense gameplay Contra is well known for. Despite the beauty of both the sound and cosmetics of Contra, you won't be able to give yourself a second to enjoy them just because of how intensive the action itself actually is.

It's addictive and simple, however works incredibly well thanks to how tight and well designed the game's controls are adapted to the NES' notoriously uncomfortable controller. I do warn you however, this game is hard, seriously hard and may lead to fustrations.

The sidescrolling killing and dodging aspect of Contra plays as a double edged sword. At first it will seem unfair to players how difficult the game actually is. However, play this right, and you'll probably be having some of the most fun moments ever on your NES. However despite this, the game is still cheap and incredibly unfair at moments.

Another issue is how long the game is itself. Although, you can't accept a seriously long game with an arcade port anyway, there atleast should be some extras to accompany the game to say the least. Infact the ending of the game is also quite poor and you'll be dissapointed at it yourself.

However this game does have replay value, regardless of the lack of extras and you'll more than come back to this game over and over again, even if you lose or win the game. Maybe this is the reason the game is hard, but who knows.

So to sum it up, you have to play Contra. Sure, the game is hard at first, but the game's that addictive you'll be playing it for months, despite how long the game itself actually is. So for the reasons I mentioned earlier this game is well worth considering, especially since there are very few games like this on NES, or in gaming history at all.