Best game ever for N64

User Rating: 10 | Conker's Bad Fur Day N64
Conkers the squirrel is out at the bar with some squirrel buddies drinking, ect... He decides to call his girl friend Berry! She doesn't answer so he feels a little bad (Super wasted) and decides to head back home to Berry.
On his way, he gets confused, takes a wrong turn and gets lost.
Unfortunatly, at the same time, the king (Who is a giant panther) spills his milk because his table was missing one leg. His personal scientist measures up the leg length and decides that the only thing that will perfectly fit the gap, is a red squirrel. Which Conker is! (Even though he claims to be an Elephant!)
So as for game play, 10/10! Great platforming, very fun, everything is just right!
Graphics were AMAZING, especially for the N64's time, the game was magnificent. I've been playing this game since I was 4 and I absolutely loved it and still do. It has great humor and keeps you laughing all the way through (Which most games don't have) and every level is something new.
10/10 Best game I have ever played.