The first and last game to REALLY make me laugh

User Rating: 10 | Conker's Bad Fur Day N64
This game was the raging ball of fury built up inside the hearts and minds of every frustrated rareware employee. This game is a triumphant slap in the face to all of the kiddy games shoveled out onto the every Nintendo console ever made. This game is smart, funny, disgusting, beautiful, cute, disturbing, offensive, colorful, intense, violent, morbid, electric, and imaginative. Behold the first and last adult platformer to ever grace our N64 consoles. I Will never forget the day I played this game for the first time. I couldn't put it down. It was so funny, so rich and deep and wholesome. The humor is so bitter and the parody goes far enough to insult every corner of cinema. From clockwork orange to the matrix, no classic is safe from this disturbing little masterpiece. Play Conker now. Write letters to Rare begging them for a sequel. Roll some poo. This game rules.