High tech 3 years ago......

User Rating: 6 | Conflict: Denied Ops PC
While there are no majors flaws or bugs in this game, the developers could of done ALOT better. Look at Crysis, COD4, Bioshock.....It doesn't have that "just right" FPS feel that the greats do. The graphics aren't cutting-edge anything, and the sound is generic. There is NO weapon variety; each dude has one main gun and a pistol, thats it. There's no way of knowing how much ammo you have, but there are "resupply" crates so you can replenish you unknown quantity of ammo. All the enemies look the same. I've been killing the same middle eastern guy for a whole mission. In another mission you kill the same african guy but with different clothes. Plot: not to be found. Voice acting: I've seen many B movies that do alot better than this one. Don't waster your money buying this new, I should have known looking at the reviews of the past Conflict games. It will be interesting to see what this site rates the game considering the ads for it are plastered all over the place. Another kane and lynch maybe?