I crown this game as king of all games

User Rating: 10 | Company of Heroes PC
This is the best game I've ever played. 6 months of daily obsession. And it doesn't get boring. Even though i played through the very well crafted campaigns of COH and COH:OF the real deal is the multi-player. MP is a bit hard to get into. In the beginning you get whopped all the time and dont understand why. Then you learn there is and amazingly active community around this game. First the in-game chat ( the gamereplays channel) and then there is gamereplays dot com that contains a lot of strategy guides, a forum and alot of "expert" replays. Further on there a lot of ppl on youtube posting commentaries on replays that yo'll learn to appreciate. This game is so much bigger than the sum of its parts. So deep and absorbing. The engine is near flawless so i wont even go into that part. Once you understand that you need to learn all units, the cover system, the important points on the maps (and how to defend them.) this game starts to feel more like action chess than anything else. Its just hats off to relic. This such a masterpiece and i just cant find words to elevate this game enough, Trust me, try to learn the 1vs1 mechanics until at least level 5-6 - then yo'll see.