This Game need help. The Game looked better in the box then on the Computer, played better too.

User Rating: 4 | Close Quarters Conflict PC
Groove games just didn't get it right when they put this game out. It doesn't play well at all. I had more slowdowns and crashes then I did time to play. The scripting for this game reminds me of games that I played 15 years ago. Most of the time it was out of place and just didn't fit the situation.
The graphics were great , 12 years ago, but not in todays games. It looks like they rushed this out to the market before they tested it, It just has too many flaws. The soundtrack is scratchy and dull. I ended up turning off my sound all together.
The Gameplay was to put iy mildly terrible.. It was either almost impossible to get through or too easy. There was no happy mediums. All in all I was very, very dissapointed in this game. I love shooters! So much so that I will play almost any game that says shooter on it despite other reviewers write about it. Many times I have enjoyed a shooter that got really bad reviews. We're all looking for different things in games. Some shooters are just fun to play despite the flaws and graphics. Sadly though this wasn't one of them!