Good, but by far not anywhere near the best.

User Rating: 5.6 | Close Quarters Conflict PC
It is a pretty cheap game, and it's for a good reason. Single player mode, alone, which is named "training" is extremely difficult even on the easiest settings on the first level. After days of trying, I finally got through the first few levels. It takes forever to kill someone with any weapon, and that gives them time to kill you quicker, which usually is what happens.

As far as the online mode, hardly anyone plays, there's only one working server usually that has people in it instead of a bot keeping it up, and it's just pure difficult. All of the guns are useless, you can't hide anywhere to use the sniper rifle, it's way too hard. Once you get into it though, it isn't too bad, it's tolerable. I admit I've been up several hours at nights playing this, and having a slightly good time. If you're an extreme FPS fan, go for it. If not and you only like the bigger titles, don't bother.