Jericho starts awful but gets better with advancement. However, it won't become the masterpiece it was supposed to be.

User Rating: 7 | Clive Barker's Jericho PC
Jericho is a somehow attractive game which is obviously meant to be great, but somewhere in the production process, the developers gave up on it. While playing it, I get the feeling that this is half a game and it needed like a year more of production to become what it was supposed to be.

What I mean is, the story is terrific. It is obvious that Clive Barker has something to do with it. It will probably be the only thing that will keep you going most of the time, but it is represented mainly through typewriting when levels are loading. Characters are intriguing and have depth but you will get all the details about them through unlockables to read in the extras section. We have awesome enemies design with high-detail models positioned on low-resolution textures and probably the worst level design that has come to the market recently.

Now, this game was supposed to be scary. It is gory, but it feels much more like playing Painkiller minus the stake gun and the great physics... and the masterpiece levels with all the secrets and all, of course. Add the fact that the action gets somewhat fragmented between character switching and resurrecting fallen comrades and I start to wonder what I liked in this game.

Truth is, the game is not as bad as some of the reviews on the net present it. Though combat is fragmented, switching between characters and using their special powers and weapons is actually smooth and fun... not considering the fact that some of the characters are utterly useless, of course! Level design is generally horrible, but some of the settings are actually nice (especially later ones). And the game presents some pretty good boss fights. They are nothing that will make your jaw drop but still, they are interesting and need some thought and switching between characters and using powers.

However, there is one thing that this game has no excuse for. The game has simply the worst ending I remember and I have played like 300 games. I have seen boss death animations longer and more detailed than this "ending". I was planning to give this game a 7.5 mark (up from 5-5.5 in the beginning, so this game really must get better with advancement) shortly before the end but when I saw the end, I cannot but lower the final mark. They could be leaving space for a sequel, but with a game like that, they might not get the chance to make one.