WWII on DS, Oh Yeah!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: World at War DS
Call of Duty World at War is the second best fps for DS. The best part is the fact that it has wifi. The campaign is much better than cod 4. It has about 25 levels and they are all fun and challenging. You can be an American, a Brit, and a Russian. You can man the guns on a bomber and invasion boats. The rate of fire on the guns is a little slower than it should be but that is probably because they have recoil! Unlike the cod 4, you have to fight the recoil and muzzle climb of your gun to keep it on target. Wifi is also very good. There are about 20 guns to choose from, and on the maps there are sniper riffles and panzer shreks to pick up. The only downside to wifi is that there are a few glitches that give other players an advantage. So if you do wifi don't pick the jungle map because it has the most unfair glitch. On that map, if you run at just the right angle you can climb on top of a mountain and snipe every where on the map and no one can see you. This is a very good game and I strongly suggest getting it.