Sim City gets cornered

User Rating: 9 | Caesar III PC
As far as i know no other game like C3 put me so many hours in front of a computer. Sierra building series takes a great step in creating a great management/simulation game putting the sim city series in a almost check-mate. C3 in spite of buggy and glitchy offers a great campaign mode with a built-in dictionary of all aspects of the game... not also of what they do, but also with a historical reference of ancient Rome. as you play you get to learn to, and in spite of not being a great achievement is with no doubt a great idea. the possibility of contacting with the citizens its also a great idea as they give you pretty much the information you need to know on things that are missing e new plans to adopt... managing the economy can be a little frustrating but its in fact rewarding as you achieve higher ranks of prosperity.

this is my first review of a game here for gamespot so please be kind and sorry for my bad English