Derivative, but fun for a while

User Rating: 6.5 | Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki ARC
I've never read the comic-book on which this game is based, nor have I seen the animated series. But the game was fun enough for me to consider checking out the comic-book whenever I get the chance.

As a side-scrolling beat-em-up it's nothing spectacular. The dinosaurs are not really in it as much as typical human villains. And the Caddy hardly makes and appearance at all. It had the chance of being a strange kind of Mad Max kind of game but it never really came together. Still, the graphics and gameplay are above average and the satisfaction of beating up lunkheads is still there.

As arcade games go it's worth the money if you've not really much to do or somewhere else to be. You'll finish it easy as there are not really many levels. And, obviously, the 2-player mode is more fun.