Perfect! Play it and revive your child within!

User Rating: 10 | Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki ARC
For those who doesn't pay the necessary attention to the arcade, this old classic should be very surprising. The beat them up style have ruled most of the arcades by the early 90s, I don't even know anyone who at least once haven't spent half a day trying to finish an arcade game with their friends. Although is not over or ruined the arcade seems to be on a bad time, they're not receiving the proper attention they deserve, well at least not where I live. This new era of home-ultimate consoles had tied up everyone to stay home and play alone their beautiful games. This is great but I thank for being born in time to catch with the arcade, when it was the top line of games. The time for the arcades games sure was about twenty-fifteen years ago and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was there and made his presence worthy.

After this little introduction let's get to point, the review!

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was sure quite amazing, it was one of the first games to show a light and quick reaction game-play. Your character could walk in the necessary speed and it could also run by your command (and this sure come in hand many times in the game, very original stuff for a game too). You could also perform something like a desperation move that hit all the enemies around you. And finally as many may think not, the game has some extras moves besides the original moves, that can be quite good if you're an advance player.

The graphics are extremely nice and cool too. Every character, even the enemies have a well detailed design. The world graphic is great, sometimes you even stop to take a look to the landscape behind you. The effects are awesome too, all the explosions, the gun shots, the blood, even the comics balloons of sound are great.

The sound is what really needs our attention! It is superb! For the time the game was released I don't remember of any game with that sound quality, it was beyond anything I've ever heard in all platforms games. Besides the good quality, the most impressive thing is in fact the original soundtrack. I don't know who created it but he(or she) gave everything he(she) had. The soundtrack is incredible, the musics are so great that makes you play even more the game, it really motivates you in many stages of the game, the feeling just came out and you get yourself extremely excited while you play the game.

This is not a game which you're gonna play everyday in your life, but every time you see it on an old arcade you will play it, without any doubts. With friends, the game can be a lot of times better, it is very fun to play with your friends, and it begins just at the character selection screen, when you and or friends fight to get the character you want.

Conclusion: For sure it's one of the best beat them up games ever, for the time it was released I can't think of any thing that should be better. It's sure a masterpiece and if you and your friends by any chance find an old arcade and see the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs just lying there, don't waste your time and play it, just go revive your childhood!