A very good beat them up game

User Rating: 9.6 | Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki ARC
This is the greatest Capcom's beat them up many of my friends agrees me.For early 1992(i guess was perfect)it had varios combos that easily could be done.It is inspired after the cartoon comic Cadillacs&Dinosaurs and you will play with 4 selectable characters such as:JACK TENREC-having good ability;HANNAH DUNDEE-very fast,slow on power atacks(the weakest of all of them);MUSTAPHA CAIRO-friend of Jack-very good ability ,good speed(the best of them)and the last MESS O'BRADOVICH-lots of muscle power slow movement.This game on coop mode truly rocks,and if u finish the game on a single credit it is someting.Very addictive and a classic beat them up from Capcom.