Ah Bubble Bobble. It's still a good game to this date but damn 100 levels!!!? No thanks.

User Rating: 8.5 | Bubble Bobble ARC
Bubble Bobble is the retro arcade game with a simple premise. Kill everything on the screen by trapping them in bubbles. The levels start out simple but gradually get more and more complex until you screw up and die. To beat this game you must be very skilled cause there's a great huge wad of levels to test your meddle. No kidding this game has 100 levels to beat and to get the good ending you have to do it with a pal. To get the true special ending you have to complete the game with your partner and in the additional hard super mode. The game's artistic style is cute, the dragons look more cuddly than they do fierce which gives the game a nice upbeat and colorful feel. The scoring system is proper complex with many secrets to learn like that if your score ends in 00 a huge slew of bonus scoring items will appear and the secret doors that appear if you get to a certain level without dying. This game has loads of power-ups, there is candy you can pick up the increase the power and speed of your bubbles, improve your speed and turn your bubbles in to fireballs and there's even a power-up that completely drowns the level resulting in istant win of that level. To add to the loads of powers there even special bubble types too! One's that shoot fire and one's that lightning blots and one that emits a waterfall that's sucks up enemies and you (but it won't kill you). Bubble Bobble is simple yet complex. It's a simple premise but made much more fun by the addition of crazy complex powers and a scoring system with secrets if you can pull off certain things. A solid game for very old time, Taito good job but 100 levels who's gonna have the patience to sit through that!