My personal favorite Fire.

User Rating: 9.1 | Breath of Fire III PS
This game is amazing in so many ways that it's hard to decide where to start. The storyline, the art, the characters, the gameplay, all of these things are great. The storyline is deep and fun, something that many games of this era don't have. Plot twists and mysteries are abudant as well as interesting. Mini scenerios within the main story keep the game fresh.
The art/graphics, while not ground breaking, are very decent. They provide rich color as well as being a throwback to snes rpgs while giving it a slight upgrade on overall graphics. To much attention on the graphics would probably take away from the game.
The characters are great. Each is unique in their own way, having secrets and abilities that they try to mask. The first three characters that are introduced all have HUGE secrets the affect the plot later in the game greatly.
The gameplay is just plain fun, baby! The battle system is familiar and unique at the same time, with regular battling easy to follow and allowing for more complex actions, such as ability copying.
This game is one of the best rpgs ever. Hardcore rpers will love it and newcomers will embrace it. It deserves a much higher rating.