Wish more of the Breath of Fire games were like this.

User Rating: 8 | Breath of Fire III PS
I will admit I have not played this game in a long time, but I still remember a lot about it. I now that this game got me deeply into Games and Sony related products. When I played this game for the first time I was so taken away I could not believe what I was playing.

Gameplay: This game by todays standards is just another RPG Final Fantasy clone, but back then this game could stand on it own. For me this game can always stand on its own thanks to the combat system. Maybe it's because it was the first Playstation game I played, or it could be that this was the first RPG that I could truly remember (I was 7 when I played it, the other RPGs I played were on the Genesis and the NES and I can't really remember them that much).

Graphics: Once again by todays standards this game is horrible, but back then this game looked pretty good. Nothing about the graphics was groundbreaking, but they still looked very good for a Playstation 1 game.

Audio: The audio in the game is very well put together. There is a few points when the game seems to not know when to play what song. There was one time during a cut-scene when you are about to fight the 2 Stallion people, the game changed the music 3 different times in about a 4 to 5 seconds time.

Value: Once playing through once you might want to play it again just to play it again. The game is that good.