Great 2D RPG!,an intriguing storyline for a classic,solid experience!

User Rating: 8.9 | Breath of Fire III PS
Most people think that the RPG now have to be 3D to be enough cool,because there as to be a lot of FMV movies,a lot of animation,etc.,well,I’m not one of these.
Breath Of Fire III is one of that RPG that can touch the heart,it’s made entirely with 2D grapics,what’s the point on 2D graphics?,first,the game is faster in a console if it take less resources by using only 2D graphics,second,the 3D graphics can’t have smooth and neat colours like the 2D,the 2D can give a lot of very neat and clear bright colors,Breath of Fire III is a perfect example of this,his 2D graphics with a simple but yet still good environment gives you the right sense of the atmosphere than any game must give.
The storyline is pretty simple too,it’s more similar to a faerie tale,you are Ryu,a Blue-Hair little boy that it’s founded on a mine after an excavation…but is not a normal human,I still don’t known his powers,but he can turn itself into a Dragon,an ability that can be controlled later in the game.
There are other characters very”Particular”,as Ryu,for Example the one who found him later unconscious in the woods,Rei,a Thief half man half tiger(He have a tail of a tiger and…he got a similar agility),o Teepo,another founded little child with the strength and the magic powers of an adult…then how forget Garr,the Dragon Slayer or Momo the scientist with that funny haircut and that long blue academic-like vest…or Nina,the Windyan princess,a young girl that carry white wings in her back but can’t fly…
I can’t tell you much about the story,but I assure that,It’s full of surprise and radically changes,I will…only tell you one,in the later of the game,Ryu,Teepo,Nina and the others become Adult(After a particular event that take a lot of time inside the story of the game),and you will have to find again all your friends…all around the colorfull 2D worldmap.
What about fishing?,eh?,I dind’t tell you?,one of the mini-games of Breath of Fire III is surely the Fishing game,you can catch a more than 30 types of fish along the world,you can use them in battle as normal items or trade them with local merchants to gain rare items or weapons…there is still much to say about this game,but I can’t tell you more,just take your playstation 1 and go and see yourself!,it’s a great experience!