Who really knows if Brain Age really does improve anything, but it it's a lot of fun...academically speaking!

User Rating: 8 | Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS
From the moment you pick up Brain Age and test to find out your Brain Age, you'll be addicted because you'll want to keep lowering your brain age. After much training, you'll eventually get use to the exercises and things will start to look much better with your "age".

The game is very straightforward and really seems to keep your mind sharp and quick. You'll find your basic arithmetic skills SOAR like no one else's business. You'll be able to find out how many people are in and out of a house. Okay, but honestly, I feel that the game does a lot by keeping people thinking critically and quickly, rather than making a person "smarter" or anything like that.

The game does that well! Especially with everyday tasks, doing some simple but challenging, yet addicted, academic games are a fun break from everything else.

Overall, the game flow was good. Not everything is unlocked at once, so it's fun to see things get unlocked, and sometimes when logging in to the game, you'll be stopped to do some different random activities and get them compared to other Brain Age players on the same cartridge. Seeing those funny drawings was very amusing in my opinion.

The music was good because there is very little of it. Sometimes it can get repetitive, but its only on status and menu screens, so it's not really a problem. The graphics are well done, if there are any. It's simple and clean, which is great.

The writing/speech recognition could use a little work, as much people have commented on, because sometimes saying blue sounds like saying black, and the DS/GAME will pick up something else. Numbers could be misinterpreted for other numbers, which can get really annoying when you are on a roll getting answers correct.

Other than that, there is little to complain about. The game seemed to offer everything it put out to offer without making it seem to much of a game, but too much of academics either. Also, comparing this to other "brain" games, this one seemed the most true to it's purpose without making it so confusing.

So, go out and get a copy! It's only $20, or now, less in some places.